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50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know

[PDF] [EPUB] 50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know Download by Jerome Hudson. Download  in PDF EPUB format complete free.

Brief Summary of Book: 50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know by Jerome Hudson

Here is a quick description and cover image of book 50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know written by  which was published in 2019-9-17. You can read this before  full Download at the bottom.

Jerome Hudson, editor of Breitbart.com, provides an eye-opening surprise to his audience, giving verified facts, compelling figures, and sharp analysis that the mainstream media frequently ignores. In “,” Hudson looks into a universe of information that is generally hidden from public view. He uncovers truths that call into question traditional narratives produced by important figures such as Davos elites, progressive academics, media pundits, and entrenched political officials. Hudson reveals a tapestry of veiled truths, ranging from stunning disclosures about prior presidential actions to hidden realities behind divisive issues such as immigration and welfare.
Whether revealing unexpected demographics inside the Border Patrol or shining light on the startling degree of identity theft by illegal immigrants, Hudson dispels myths with uncompromising clarity. The book presents readers with painful but necessary ideas, ranging from the flawed incentives of welfare systems to the worrisome potential for manipulation by tech behemoths such as Google. After finishing “”, readers will have a heightened mistrust toward popular narratives, knowing the importance of challenging the forces that be and finding the unvarnished truth.

 eBook Details

  • Author Name: Jerome Hudson
  • Book Genre: Graphic Novels, New Adult, Nonfiction, Sequential Art
  • ISBN # 9780062932532
  • Date of Publication: 2019-9-17
  • PDF File Size3.0 MB
  • EPUB File Size1.3 MB

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