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How the North Promoted, Prolonged, and Profited from Slavery

[PDF] [EPUB] Complicity: How the North Promoted, Prolonged, and Profited from Slavery Download by Anne Farrow. Download Complicity:  in PDF EPUB format complete free.

Brief Summary of Book: Complicity: How the North Promoted, Prolonged, and Profited from Slavery by Anne Farrow

Here is a quick description and cover image of book Complicity: How the North Promoted, Prolonged, and Profited from Slavery  which was published in 2005-9-27. You can read this before Complicity:  PDF EPUB full Download at the bottom.

Slavery’s presence in the South has been extensively chronicled, spanning from comprehensive histories to bestselling novels. However, the North’s complicity in and reliance on slavery has largely remained a concealed and shameful truth… until now. In their meticulously researched and startling new book, three seasoned journalists from New England unveil the reality behind the facade of tolerance and liberation associated with the region. They uncover a place where thousands were held in bondage, and where slavery served as both an economic powerhouse and an entrenched way of life. “Complicity” exposes the harsh realities of the Triangle Trade, which profited the North through the exchange of molasses, rum, and slaves with the West Indies and Africa. It lays bare the truth about Northern empires that flourished on the profits of commodities like rum, cotton, and ivory, some of which were operated by individuals who paradoxically advocated for abolition. The book also reveals the existence of sprawling plantations, even in towns like Salem, Connecticut. Furthermore, it delves into the lives of key figures who directly profited from slavery beyond the Mason-Dixon line, including Nathaniel Gordon of Maine, the nation’s sole slave trader sentenced to death, and Patty Cannon, whose gang kidnapped free blacks from Northern states for sale into slavery. Additionally, it exposes the troubling legacy of individuals such as Samuel Morton, a Philadelphia doctor renowned for his work in “race science,” which sought to substantiate the supposed inferiority of African-born black people. Drawing from previously overlooked documents and reports, and supplemented by rarely seen visual materials, “Complicity” offers a compelling and sobering exploration of America’s past. Originally expanded from a renowned special report by the Hartford Courant, which the Connecticut Department of Education distributed to middle and high schools statewide, this new book is poised to become an indispensable reference.

 eBook Details

  • Author Name: Anne Farrow
  • Book Genre: American History, History, Nonfiction, North American Hi…, Politics, Race, Social Justice, Social Movements
  • ISBN # 9780345467836
  • Date of Publication: 2005-9-27
  • PDF File Size12 MB
  • EPUB File Size11 MB

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